Whenever an individual goes missing, it is common for there to be a search party created in the local area and for people to come together in order to hopefully find the person in question. It can be a scary time since you never know what you might end up finding, and that can just make a number of people nervous.

However, one search party for a missing woman in Iceland in 2014 had a twist attached to it that you could never have ever imagined could happen.

Word had gone out that a woman was missing on the island and considering how wild the weather can be it made sense for them to get things arranged as quickly as possible and see if she could be located. Groups of people were brought together and a plan was created for who would search in which area.

However, the search was then called off very early on as there was a rather surprising success with the search. It turns out that the woman they were looking for was in the search party and suddenly realized that everybody was really looking for her. It is unknown as to how long people were looking until it all started to make sense to her, but you just know that both she and the search party felt rather silly at what had transpired.