In ancient times, it was not unheard of for elephants to be used as instruments of war. You can imagine how the sheer size of them would be daunting to the enemy that had never set eyes on anything of this size before.

However, it seems that some armies came up with a plan to counter the elephant attack, and it does make you wonder as to how on earth they managed to conjure it up to begin with.

The plan focused on the use of pigs. Yep, pigs. It was somehow discovered that the huge and impressive elephant was actually terrified of pigs, both in their appearance as well as that squeal. As a result, there was the idea that they should be sent into battle to basically scare off the elephants, but it is also known that some armies would go an extra step to make them even more intimidating.

It seems that some armies would set the pigs on fire and send them off to tackle those elephants. You have to admit that this then creates one crazy image of a pig on fire running towards an elephant which then charges in the opposite direction to get away from it.