It is believed that there have been over 1 billion Barbie dolls sold since they made their appearance back in 1959. Since then, she has become more than a cult icon, and the brand has expanded into more formats with Barbie herself appearing in various styles.

However, one style and doll that appeared in the 1960s was certainly different, and it included some advice that we would just be completely shocked at if it was aired today.

The doll in question was Slumber Party Barbie, and if you were a lucky enough girl to receive this version, then you would have also been given a surprise book that titled ‘How to Lose Weight.’ Now, that in itself is shocking enough when you consider the age range of the market that it was being aimed at, but one of the tips in particular goes beyond shocking.

So, what is the tip? Surprisingly enough, they gave the tip to the girls who wanted to lose weight and read the book, that they should simply not eat. Plain and simple. If you want to lose weight, then avoid food.

To be honest, should you be taking weight loss advice from a plastic doll?