Natalie Portman is one of the most popular actresses in Hollywood today, starring in films like V for Vendetta and Black Swan. When she’s not acting, she has another secret talent: she’s a master letter writer. Portman has a pen-pal friendship with Jonathan Safran Foer, a best-selling author, known for his books Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and Everything is Illuminated. In the days of modern technology—text messages, correspondence via social media—Portman and Foer have maintained their email correspondence for over a decade.

Their friendship began when Foer wrote a book entitled Eating Animals, which inspired Portman to become a vegan. She saw him at a book reading, and along with having interest in producing a related movie, wanted to speak with him further. This brought about a friendship centered on letters sent through email. It wasn’t until 2016 that the two decided to share some of their emails with the world. One of their more memorable correspondences is when Foer explained his garbage day routine to Portman, explaining that where he lives, Tuesday is the designated day for both garbage and recycling, making it a parking nightmare on his street.

Over the years, the pair has sent, combined, over 2000 messages to one another. They stress that their relationship is not one that is romantic, as Portman is currently married and Foer was married when their correspondence began. Though their early emails to one another were more polished and deep, Portman says that she now emails Foer about whatever is on her mind. She shares that while at the beginning she worked hard to sound smart and impressive, she now feels comfortable sending him everything from thoughts on politics to funny videos online.