A lot of people fear snakes, and it is easy to understand why so you would hardly want to venture to a place that is known by the moniker ‘Snake Island’ as that would be insane on your part. The island itself is close to Sao Paulo in Brazil, and it is rather easy to see why it has been given this name when you check out a few statistics.

The island itself only covers a total of 110 acres, and yet a study has revealed that there are over 4000 snakes on this one single island. That works out to there being the equivalent of a snake every 6 square yards, and that does mean that you are going to come across them no matter where you go. If that is not scary enough, the island is also home to a snake that goes by the name ‘Golden Lancehead’ and even though it may look quite cool with its yellowish color, looks can be deceptive.

If you are unfortunate enough to be bitten by this snake, then there is a chance that your skin is going to start to melt, which has to be one of the scariest things that you could ever imagine happening to you.