“A rose is a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet”, not only a famous Shakespearian quote but also a truism! It might interest you to know that the rose is not just a flower but part of a family of a group known as the Rosaceae group

Included in the Rosaceae group are cherries, plums, apples, and strawberries. All of these delicious fruits form part of the Rosaceae family.

If you or the object of your desire has had their nails done recently you will notice just how shiny and nice they look. You’d be surprised to find out that the resin shellac is used to bring upon that dewy glow and is also used on top of jelly beans to do the same thing!

Food is well known for its healing properties, but did you know that bananas can also help moods? Bananas are high in tryptophan, which is a direct converter to serotonin the feel-good brain chemical.

Almonds are not a nut as we call it but rather a seed. That’s right, the almond is a seed and is the precursor to beautiful flowers such as the orchid and some families of roses.

If you’re looking for high protein foods don’t always turn to meat. Greek yogurt is one of the highest protein foods, and that is specifically Greek yogurt not regular yogurt.

Imagine landing the moon and then imagine what food you’d eat. Can you guess which one it was? Canned peaches! One will probably never look at canned peaches the same way again.