One of the cool things about us humans and the world is that we have a range of customs that are unique to cultures or even individual towns. Take a town in Spain as a perfect example of how strange things can ultimately be.

The village in question is known as Castrillo de Murcia and every June something rather strange happens that does make you sit and wonder what on earth is going on. So, what is this festival or ritual?

Well, the men of the village will go ahead and dress up as the devil. They then run through the streets of the village and leap over every single baby that has been born over the course of the previous 12 months. Yes, grown men dressed as the devil jump over babies.

It is all part of the nationwide Corpus Christi celebrations and yet this village is the only one that carries out this strange ceremony. The reasons as to why it started go back into history. However, the babies don’t seem to mind, so perhaps it is not as bad as you may have initially thought.