North Sentinel Island is a small island in the Indian Ocean the size of Manhattan. Owned by the government of India, visitors are not allowed within three miles of the island for their own protection. The indigenous people of North Sentinel Island do not take kindly to outsiders, as they’re used to the seclusion of their own island. In 2006, two fishermen lost their way and found themselves on the island. They were immediately killed by residents of the island. Not much is known about the island, other than this incident, due to the lack of tolerance of outsiders, as well as the many forests that cover most of the island. No one even knows how many people live on the island, though it is estimated to be less than a few hundred. Based on research done by anthropologists, the tribe has been indigenous to North Sentinel Island for approximately 60,000 years. Outside governments have tried to make contact with the residents, but, as they have been hostile in return, have decided to leave them be. They are thought to be one of the only remaining tribes or groups of people without any aspect of modern civilization.