If you are unfortunate enough to be struck by lightning, then it is going to leave its mark on you in a number of ways. However, these are some facts and general information about the physical mark that it leaves on your body.

What generally happens is that the affected area is going to then have a mark that generally looks like the outline of a fern tree. For some, this is known as a lightening tree or perhaps a lightening flower, but it does have a rather distinctive shape.

The reason why it produces this shape is to do with the system of small blood vessels in our body known as capillaries. These capillaries are tiny in nature, but when you are stuck by lightening, they rupture in the area that is hit due to the shock from the electric charge. It is just a twist of fate that it ends up making that shape in our body as if nature is giving us a special tattoo for us to remember the occasion.