There are all kinds of different statistics regarding war, and it’s fair to say that some of them are far more shocking than others. Take this one as a perfect example.

Out of all of the different countries that took part in World War II, which one lost the most men, and how many did they lose? Now, a lot of people are going to correctly guess the Soviet Union, as it was the country with the largest population, so it makes sense that they could lose the most men, but the scale of it all is astonishing.

It is believed that out of all of the men born in the Soviet Union in 1923, that 80% of them did not get to see the end of the war as a result of them being killed in action. In total, it is believed that as many as 21 million people from the Soviet Union lost their lives in this war, making them far and away the country with the most casualties. But then, it was certainly not all one-way traffic for them because it is also known that out of every five German soldiers that were killed in the war, four actually died on the Eastern Front. That is why it was the one place that you did not want to be sent to if you were in the German army.