If you look at the range of colors of nail polish that are available today, then you are going to find it strange to think about how different it used to be when the idea of nail polish first appeared on the shelves.

It seems that the original patent and production of this product happened back in 1919, and the very first color was classified as a very faint pink. In other words, it was just a subtle difference to our own natural nail color without it being too garish. However, all is not as it initially appears simply because culture and society did manage to largely dictate the colors due to the way in which they were often viewed by many.

For example, the concept of wearing nail polish that was darker than a faint light pink was just something that you were never expected to do. The reason? It was classed as being immoral, and if you were guilty of wearing a dark color, then you would be classed as being the same, which you certainly did not want to happen back in the times between the two world wars. Who knows what those people would think if they saw the wide array of colors that are now available.