If you think of a kangaroo, what comes to mind? The chances are that you will think of them hopping along or with their babies in their pouch, and that is all pretty accurate and reasonable to consider.

However, there is one fact that a lot of people do not know about the kangaroo, which could very well change the way that you look at them. That fact is to do with part of their biology, and it is different from anything else that you will be able to find in the animal kingdom.

So, what is this fact?

Well, did you know that a female kangaroo has three vaginas? Yep, not just one but three of them. That is in itself pretty amazing, and it does make you wonder as to the reasons why, but who are we to judge them. They were clearly supposed to be made that way, so perhaps we should just leave them in peace because they will just box us if we corner them.