The game of chess is enjoyed by millions of people around the world, and you will perhaps be familiar with the various pieces that are placed on the board. The most numerous is clearly the pawn, but did you know that each pawn used to have its own name when we go back in time?

The time we are talking about is the Middle Ages, and it was decided that each pawn should be given a name. Now, don’t think for one second that they opted for names such as Derek or Linda because that was not the case.

Instead, they used titles referring to different jobs or industries at the time. That meant you had a pawn that was the agricultural worker, the farrier, an innkeeper, a businessman, and so on. The only problem was that the names just never really made it to the extent that they were hoping and they faded away into relative obscurity. By the end of it all, the pawns were just known as a pawn and nothing else.