The entire lipstick thing is more involved than you would think possible, but in this instance, we are neither talking about the range of colors that are out there nor the different types of lipsticks ranging from balms to gloss.

Instead, we are talking about something that has since lost its appeal in society because it used to be the case that the color of lipstick you wore had less to do with what suited your skin color and more the status you held in society.

Back in the times of Ancient Rome, even men would wear lipstick to signify their social standing, and it did then give them a certain amount of respect. On the flip side, people who were lower down in society would not want to go and advertise the fact, so it does mean that there were some people that kind of faked it to preserve their dignity.

So, the next time somebody tells you that the shade of lipstick you are wearing is not doing you justice, let them know that you are merely trying to show off your social standing and then leave them wondering as to what exactly you mean by it all.