When you think of the American Civil War, it is common to focus primarily on the men that were involved in the different battles, but there were also a number of horses involved in the conflict. It is estimated that there were in the region of one million horses involved, but that is not the fact that we wish to focus on at this moment in time.

Instead, it is estimated that in a single day, those one million horses would have been able to produce enough urine to fill 12 Olympic swimming pools, which is pretty impressive when you think about it. Of course, you then wonder as to who sat down and worked all of that out as they clearly have more than enough time on their hands.

But also, it makes you think about the logistics that were involved when you had to deal with so many horses on any given day. If you thought that looking after the army was tough enough, then you might now have a better understanding of just how difficult it all was.