Ah, ‘The Silence of the Lambs’ is one of those movies that was able to send shivers down the spines of every single individual that watched it, and there’s no doubt that it was a phenomenon when it came out. There are so many scenes that stand out, and it also has its fair share of iconic lines that people can recite over and over again.

One such line, and this is something that has made it onto fan sites, newspapers, and even merchandise, is the line ‘Hello, Clarice’ and you might even remember it.

If you do, then your mind is tricking you into believing something that was never said in the movie at any point. Yep, it’s all a figment of your imagination, and you have been caught up in the excitement and tension that surrounds the movie in general.

Instead, he says ‘Good Evening, Clarice’ in the movie, but people that have seen the movie a number of times will still quote the line incorrectly. In fact, what is going on is that people have taken a line from another movie and mixed it together, but it has now become such a part of the history that later versions, including a TV series, now says those immortal words perhaps just to stop people from feeling that they have all made a huge mistake.