You would think that calling Hitler names would be something that would ultimately lead to your life being ended rather swiftly, as that is one person that you do not want to upset. However, that is why people would call him names behind his back, and also do so in a rather quiet voice.

So, what do you think people would call him?

It turns out that one of his nicknames was ‘Teppichfresser’ which roughly translates as ‘Carpet-Eater’ and that in itself should win an award for the strangest nickname ever invented until you understand why they settled on that name.

It all stems from the way in which he would react over Czechoslovakia, as it seems that this was one thing that had the potential of really getting to him unlike any other issue that he had to contend with. His frustrations over Czechoslovakia would lead to him throwing himself to the floor in a rage and he would, by all accounts anyway, start chewing on the carpet in absolute anger.

Now the name makes sense, but you just know that nobody called him by that name to his face simply because your life would be worth absolutely nothing.