Buddha statues are very common throughout the world, but it seems that not every single statue is going to be as you would expect.

Take one example of a statue of Buddha that was 1000 years old. It was decided by scientists to go ahead and check out how it was made. They sent the statue into a CT scanner in the hope that it would reveal the inner workings, and how the Buddhist monks had put it together. It turned out that they had used a completely different way of dealing with the structure of the statue than anybody had ever imagined.

What the CT scanner had shown was that there was a skeleton of an actual Buddhist monk inside. He had died and was then effectively wrapped in the statue as it was made. He had been viewed by countless people since the creation of the statue, with people being completely unaware of what was inside. It is now making people think about what else is inside other statues and whether or not the act of placing a dead monk inside was more widespread than just this one.