At one point in our not too distant past, Furbies were an absolute phenomenon. Kids all over the world—and also a surprising number of adults —loved these toys, and you can only imagine how much money the people behind the craze were making.

However, not everyone was happy with them being brought along.

Take the NSA, for example. They were highly suspicious of these toys to such an extent that they were banned from being brought into their headquarters in Maryland. Their fear was that they would absorb secrets and then blurt them out later when they weren’t in a secure environment. In other words, it was a cause for national security that Furbies were banned from the property.

But then, it does make you wonder why on earth someone would have taken them into their place of work to begin with. Don’t they have enough work to do that they would resort to playing with toys when they were supposed to be keeping the country safe?