The majority of people are right-handed, but spare a thought for those individuals that prefer to use their left hand for different actions. If you look around, a number of items are designed purely for individuals that are right-handed, and that causes a problem if you are not that way inclined.

However, you might be amazed to hear just how big a problem this can cause for left-handed individuals.

According to statistics, each year sees somewhere in the region of 2,500 people dying as a result of being left-handed and trying to use an item that is designed for someone who is right-handed. In other words, they are trying to do it with their weaker hand, putting them in danger, but then nobody would ever dare to dream that they could die as a result?

So, if you are left-handed for anything at all, just keep this fact in mind because it could end up being a pretty good decision to leave an action to someone else.