If you hate spiders and have a phobia surrounding them, then you might want to look away now.

Studies have shown that if you venture out into green areas that it is then believed that in every acre of land there are somewhere in the region of 50,000 spiders. However, even though that does sound like a lot, it’s important to remember that the absolute vast majority of them are extremely small. We are not talking about 50,000 tarantulas as that would just be insane.

The reason why there are so many is simply because of the sheer number of insects that are constantly flying around these green areas, so they are undoubtedly going to attract spiders since they feed off them. Of course, this is only a rough estimate as people have not exactly spent time counting and tagging every single spider to make sure that they have not double-counted them, but even if the true number is half of that, then it is still pretty high.