When you look up into the sky and think of the sun and the moon, have you ever wondered how on earth they manage to look the same size? It clearly doesn’t make any sense simply because you know that the sun is much larger than the moon, so it must be that your eyes are starting to fail on you or some strange trick of the light.

Well, the reason why they look the same size is because of something that is much stranger than your eyes starting to not work. It is all due to there being a strange coincidence.

You see, the moon is indeed smaller than the sun, much, much smaller. To be exact, it is 400 times smaller, but then how does that then correspond to it looking the same size as the sun in the sky?

Well, that is where the coincidence comes into play.

Not only is the moon 400 times smaller, it is also 400 times closer to the earth than the sun. It is that one single fact that then means everything is balanced out to such an extent that they do indeed appear to be identical in size.