Monowi, Nebraska, is known as the smallest incorporated town in the United States. The closest hotel is thirty minutes away, and the last big event at the town church was 50 years ago. One more thing: the population of Monowi is one. Elsie Eiler is 83 years old, and she is also the sole resident of Monowi. The village previously had a population of two, until Elsie’s husband Rudy died in 2004.

Despite its small population, the town has a bar and tavern and a library, both managed by Elsie. In the 1930s, Monowi was home to 150 people, including Elsie and her family. The rest of the town moved on, while Elsie stayed, saying simply that she loves living there and has lots of friends in surrounding towns. Tourists visit regularly to meet Elsie and see this forgotten town.