People are largely aware that drinking a lot of soda is not exactly going to be good for your health, but there is one fact that is going to probably stop you in your tracks.

This fact is that if you drink one can of soda per day, it is going to age you by approximately 4.6 years. In other words, drinking soda on a regular basis is going to put years on you, and that is not exactly a good thing.

It is all to do with the sugar, caffeine, and other key ingredients that are contained within the drink as to the reason why this happens. There are so many things in soda that our body then struggles to deal with that it leads to an increased risk of diabetes, weight gain, and a number of other health issues that are not going to be beneficial to you.

When you add all of this together, it then means that soda can indeed add some years to your current physical age, so if you are serious about longevity, then cutting back on your soda consumption may very well be the correct way to go.