When it comes to movies that sum up the thriller genre, it would be difficult to find anything that could beat Psycho for the way in which it can play on your mind. Of course, there are so many different scenes that stand out, but perhaps the key one has to be the infamous shower scene.

Anybody that has watched the movie will be able to remember it along with the terrifying sound effects, but if you knew how the sound effects were made, it could make things slightly less scary for you.

Keep in mind that the movie was made in 1960, so it was hardly a case of special effects being out of this world or sounds being added in digitally after it was shot. Nope, they had to go for something that was far more basic in its approach, and yet it was still something that worked.

In the shower scene, the sound effects were able to be created by repeatedly stabbing a casaba melon. Yep, it was achieved via a melon, and that is hardly something that you would expect to have been used.