According to a Professor of Microbiology at the University of Arizona, the coffee mugs in offices around the country may not be as healthy as you would like to think. However, it does go wayyyy further than anybody could ever imagine when you look at the reason as to why he believes that they are not healthy.

Studies conducted by the Professor have shown that 20% of office mugs that are used for coffee in the United States may come with a rather unwanted surprise. Something that is probably going to result in you only ever using your own mug or getting take-away.

What could be so bad to merit such a reaction?

Well, it is said that 20% of coffee mugs contain aspects of fecal matter in them. Yes, we did say fecal matter, and we apologize if you are at work drinking coffee as you read this.

Of course, we have to just guess as to how it gets there or why it seems to hang around, but it may very well make you think twice about drinking coffee in the office in the future.