Women have been wearing lipstick for thousands of years. Yes! Even the ancient Romans. The problem with lipstick in the ‘good old’ days was that most of the lipsticks were made from toxic ingredients like lead for example. No wonder they didn’t live for very long. Lead poisoning could lead to vomiting, loss of weight and irritability which could explain why some Roman beauties were slim and often of bad temperament.

Lipstick these days are not so toxic and come in millions of shades and textures, from the glossiest to the most matt and seasons also influence fashion and lipsticks. The French favor red, Italians like it glossier and pale, so countries and towns also have their favorites.

Some lipsticks are more expensive and some less expensive so there is always a lipstick for every budget, but if you are part of the super-rich and want an exclusive lipstick look to be spending up to $64 000.00 for one tube. The lipstick in question is Guerlain’s Kiss Kiss Gold. The real Kiss Kiss Gold is a mere $35.00 a pop, but this exclusive version has made the case tubing in gold and encrusted with diamonds. One suspects that this is certainly for the ‘girl that has everything’ perhaps. There are so many strange facts about lipstick that one could write a book, but one of the sweetest facts is when during World War II, Winston Churchill ruled that not only was lipstick still in production but was easy to get hold of, simply because it boosted the morale of the females that wore it and the men that beheld it!